Monday, July 26, 2010

ParityRate Channel Manager UK and Ireland launch at WTM 2010

The ParityRate Channel Manager team will be packing their raincoats and brushing up on their cockney rhyming slang for our visit to London in November and the WTM 2010 at the Excel.

ParityRate's price has really caught on with UKI Hotels, at £73/ €84 per month unlimited websites.

Hotels switching to ParityRate Channel Manager save upto 75% per month or more on their current service. We look forward to the opportunity to meet hoteliers at this exciting event, in the meantime our 30 day trial is available to all UK or Irish Hotels and this won't effect your Hotels current Channel Manager System.

Tip : If you're attending the WTM book your accomodation now as availability is low!

ParityRate Channel Manager increases your web revenue in 1-quick-click.

ParityRate Channel Manager ask for your free 30 day trial at