Monday, August 23, 2010

ParityRate lands in Holland and Germany with

ParityRate Hotel Channel Manager have just signed our first Hotels in two fantastic European capitals Amsterdam, Holland and Berlin Germany Continuing ParityRate's expansion across Europe, providing great value low cost Hotel Channel Management 1-click updates to all Hotels and B&B's.

Here's what Quentin Hotels Sales Manager, Linda Nagy had to say about ParityRate Channel Manager
"We made the switch to ParityRate recently from our previous Hotel Channel Management service. ParityRate is so much better than any previous Channel Manager we had worked with. No more errors, no more fear of overbookings, no more connection failures, all of our troubles are solved! Furthermore, the staff are exceptionally helpful and all set-ups are done by ParityRate, it saves us hours of time and the cost of ParityRate is very reasonable compared to other providers! Without ParityRate I would be spending hours updating daily. Thank you ParityRate!”

You can book Quentin Hotels on

Visit Quentin Hotels at for some great offers Quentin Hotels has 3 Hotels perfectly located in the centre of Amsterdam, and two Hotels in central Berlin, all with 24 hour reception and a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. If you're heading over to Amsterdam soon, check out the West Beach Film Festival for some cool cult movies al fresco, from 27 August to 18 September 2010, head to Amsterdam's Sloterplas to catch films outside on sultry Amsterdam evenings. Also a must see is the UitMarkt the largest cultural festival in the Netherlands! The Uitmarkt is in town from 27 to 29 August.

If heading to Berlin, you absolutely must check out the "Lange Nacht der Museen" 28th Aug. 6pm - 2am, when all the museums stay open until the wee hours
Twice a year, around 100 of Berlin's museums, collections, archives and exhibition halls stay open into the early hours with special events, concerts, readings, lectures and performances for the 'Long Night of the Museums'. A ticket gets you free travel on special shuttle buses and regular public transport. If you miss it in Aug, plan a trip in January as it's run twice yearly.

ParityRate Channel Manager increases your revenue across the web in 1-quick-click.

ParityRate Channel Manager ask for your free 30 day trial at